I take wildlife pictures since 1999. Since 2001, I use a digital reflex camera, successively Nikon D1, D70, D2x, D300, D3s and D4 cameras. Nowadays, I use MFT cameras. I make a few photography trips annually.
I obtained different awards during competitions: two ‘arrêt sur image’ (2004 and 2005) awards and a first prize in the category « Nature en souffrance » in 2009 at the festival in Montier en Der and a 3rd prize (2004) at the festival de l’Oiseau in Abbeville in the category migratory birds. I obtained the first prize at the same competition in 2008 in the category mammals. I also obtained the first prize in the category ‘Nature in our hands’ in the Argus Milieu competition in 2004 and an encouragement prize in the category ‘Waterworld’ in 2008.
Some of my pictures have been published in the magazines Caribbean Travel and Life, Terre Sauvage, Chasseur d’images and Photofan.